Mind(?) Reader
Duration: ~ 28 mins
Premiere: CTM Berlin, 2018
The Strategy of Operation
Basically, the machine looks for certain types of patterns in the behavior of its human opponent. If it can find these patterns it remembers them and assumes that the player will follow the patterns the next time the same situation arises. The machine also contains a random element. Until patterns have been found, or if an assumed pattern is not repeated at least twice by the player, the machine chooses its move at random. The types of patterns remembered involve the outcome of two successive plays (that is, whether or not the player won on those plays) and whether he changed his choice between them and after them. There are eight possible situations and, for each of these, two things the player can do.
Claude Shannon‘s Mind (?)Reading Machine from 1953
The player wins, plays the same, and wins. He may then play the same or differently.
The player wins, plays the same, and loses. He may then play the same or differently.
The player wins, plays differently, and wins. He may then play the same or differently.
The player wins, plays differently, and loses. He may then play the same or differently.
The player loses, plays the same, and wins. He may then play the same or differently.
The player loses, plays the same, and loses. He may then play the same or differently.
The player loses, plays differently, and wins. He may then play the same or differently.
The player loses, plays differently, and loses. He may then play the same or differently.
All music is based on emulations of this machine/algorithm. In concert two players face each other and transform the signal of the other by means of 'Steno', a little concatenative live coding language written by Julian Rohrhuber embedded in SuperCollider. It makes code for combining synth graphs very short, so that writing endless chains is like writing a single long word. A word is a program. A letter is a synth.
Programs look like this: